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9 Exciting Group Games to Play This Labor Day

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Labor Day is a fantastic opportunity to gather with friends and family, celebrate the end of summer, and enjoy some fun and games.

If you’re looking for entertaining group games to spice up your Labor Day festivities, look no further. Here’s a detailed guide to nine exciting group games that will ensure laughter, competition, and memories to last a lifetime.

Group Games for Labor Day

Goal of the Game: To be the first player to reach 10 points!

Players: 3-6

Synopsis: Quicktionary is a fast-paced twist on the classic game of Pictionary. In this game, players race against the clock and each other to guess words based on quick sketches.


  • Paper

  • Writing utensil

  • Timer

  • Random word generator

Set Up

  1. Prepare the Table: Find a suitable table and stack of paper.

  2. Generate Words: Use a random word generator or create slips of paper with random words.

  3. Organize Slips: Place the slips in the center if using them.

  4. Set the Timer: Set the timer for 2 minutes.

  5. Designate the First Drawer: Choose who will draw first.

person drawing a boat on a paper with a timer


  1. Start the Timer: Begin the round by starting the timer.

  2. Draw and Guess: The first drawer picks a word (from the slips or generated) and starts drawing it on paper without talking or writing any letters/numbers. Meanwhile, all other players guess the word.

  3. Scoring: If a guesser correctly identifies the word, both the drawer and guesser earn a point. If time runs out without a correct guess, no points are awarded.

  4. Rotate: Pass the paper and drawing duties to the right.

  5. Continue: Play until one player reaches 10 points.


  • No Talking: Drawers must remain silent.

  • No Letters/Numbers: Avoid writing letters or numbers to assist in guessing.

  • Timer Flexibility: Adjust the timer duration as desired; shorter times make guessing harder.

  • Point Allocation: Both drawer and guesser receive points for correct guesses.

  • Fun Twists: Try drawing with your non-dominant hand or blindfolded for added fun!

Goal of the Game: Accumulate 11 points to win.

Players: 3-5

Synopsis: Presidents is a strategic card game where players attempt to get rid of their cards while climbing the social hierarchy of the game.


  • Deck of cards

Set Up

  1. Designate a Dealer: Appoint someone to deal the cards.

  2. Deal Cards: Shuffle the deck and deal all the cards to players.

  3. Identify Starting Player: The player with the 3 of Clubs goes first.

president, vice president, and scum


  1. Play Cards: The starting player plays any card(s) face-up. Subsequent players must either play higher-value cards of the same number or pass.

  2. Clear Hands: When all others pass, the player who played last clears the middle and starts a new round.

  3. End Round: When only one player has cards left, they lose the round.

  4. Scoring: The winner of the round (President) earns 2 points, the second-place player (Vice President) earns 1 point.

  5. Role Swapping: The Scum trades their highest card with the President's lowest card.

  6. Repeat: Continue until a player earns 11 points.


  • Card Hierarchy: Higher cards beat lower cards.

  • Card Swap: The Scum must trade their highest card with the President’s lowest card.

  • Starting Player: The President always starts the next round.

  • Passing: Players can pass at any time if they cannot play.

Goal of the Game: Guess the word/phrase on your forehead.

Players: 3-10

Synopsis: In this guessing game, players try to figure out what word or phrase is written on a card taped to their forehead by asking yes or no questions.


  • Tape

  • Paper

  • Writing utensils

Set Up

  1. Prepare Paper Slips: Each player writes a word or phrase on a piece of paper.

  2. Tape the Slips: Tape each slip to a player's forehead without them seeing it.

woman with a slip on her forehead that says parrot


  1. Start Asking: The youngest player begins by asking yes or no questions about their word or phrase.

  2. Guessing: Other players answer the questions, helping the player deduce their identity.

  3. Elimination: When a player guesses correctly, they are out of the game. The last player to guess is eliminated.


  • One Question at a Time: Players ask only one yes/no question per turn.

  • No Vague Answers: Answers must be clear yes or no.

  • Themes: Use themes to narrow down the guesses (optional).

Goal of the Game: Avoid being the last person to spell “SPOONS.”

Players: 5-10

Synopsis: In this fast-paced card game, players try to collect four cards of the same rank and grab a spoon from the center. The player left without a spoon gets a letter, and the game continues until someone spells “SPOONS.”


  • Spoons (one less than the number of players)

  • Deck of cards

  • Table

Set Up

  1. Arrange Spoons: Place one less spoon than the number of players in the center.

  2. Deal Cards: Each player receives four cards.

  3. Form a Circle: Players sit in a circle around the table.

spoons in the middle of a counter with 4 sets of cards


  1. Card Exchange: The dealer draws a card and passes one card to the player on their left. This continues until a player collects four of a kind.

  2. Grab a Spoon: When a player has four of a kind, they grab a spoon. All other players try to grab a spoon.

  3. Eliminate: The player who fails to grab a spoon receives a letter.

  4. Remove Spoons: When a player accumulates all letters (SPOONS), they are eliminated. Remove one spoon and continue.


  • Card Passing: Players can only pass one card at a time.

  • No Interference: Do not interfere with others while grabbing spoons.

Goal of the Game: Score the most points over 5 rounds.

Players: 4-10

Synopsis: Teams compete to come up with the most unique names fitting a given theme. Points are awarded for unique names and deducted for incorrect ones.


  • Paper

  • Writing utensils

  • Timer

  • Bowl

  • Scissors

Set Up

  1. Prepare Slips: Each player writes three themes on slips of paper and places them in a bowl.

  2. Divide into Teams: Form two teams and designate a writer for each team.

  3. Distribute Materials: Give each team a piece of paper.

a bunch of names on a table


  1. Draw a Theme: Pull a theme from the bowl and announce it.

  2. Write Names: Teams have 5 minutes to write names related to the theme.

  3. Compare Answers: After time is up, read the names aloud. Unique names earn points, and incorrect ones lose points.

  4. Score Points: Teams earn points based on unique and correct names.


  • No Repeated Themes: Each theme is used only once.

  • Correctness: Only accurate names count for points.

  • Challenges: Teams can challenge the correctness of names.

Goal of the Game: Be the first to get rid of all four cards.

Players: 4-8

Synopsis: Players roll dice to match or get close to the value of their card. The player closest to the card value gets to discard their card. The last player with cards loses.


  • Deck of cards

  • Dice

  • Table

Set Up

  1. Deal Cards: Give each player four cards face down.

  2. Prepare Deck: Place the remaining deck face down in the center.

a graduation cap, dice, and some cards


  1. Flip and Roll: Players flip the card on the left and roll dice to match or get close to the card's value.

  2. Compare Scores: The player closest to the card's value gets to discard their card. Others draw a new card from the deck if they didn't match.

  3. Repeat: Continue until one player discards all their cards.


  • Rolling Multiple Times: Players can roll as many times as they wish.

  • Going Over: Going over the card value results in a bust, and the player cannot discard that card.

  • Graduation: The last player with cards loses.

Goal of the Game: Avoid being the first to spell "GHOST."

Players: 2-10

Synopsis: Players spell a word letter by letter. If a player cannot continue the word or spells an incorrect word, they receive a letter. The first to spell "GHOST" loses.

Set Up

  1. Form a Circle: Gather players in a circle.

  2. Start with Any Letter: The youngest player starts by saying any letter.

4 ghosts, and one saying the letter "B"


  1. Spell Words: Players take turns adding letters to form a word. If the word is completed and the player cannot continue, they receive a letter.

  2. Bluffs: Players can call bluffs if they suspect someone is not spelling a real word.


  • No Repeating Letters: The same letter cannot be used until three different letters have been used.

  • Endgame: Once a player spells "GHOST," they are out of the game.

Goal of the Game: Be the first player to reach 21 points.

Players: 4-10

Synopsis: In the Dictionary Game, players test their vocabulary and creativity. One player, known as the “Reader,” selects a challenging word from the dictionary and provides the correct definition. The Reader writes this definition on a slip of paper and puts it in a bowl. All other players write down what they think the definition is. Points are awarded based on accuracy and creativity. The first player to accumulate 21 points wins!


  • Dictionary

  • Bowl

  • Paper

  • Writing utensils

Set Up:

  1. Prepare Slips: Cut paper into small slips.

  2. Distribute Materials: Give each player a pen and a blank sheet of paper.

  3. Choose the Reader: The oldest player will start as the Reader.

image of dictionary with the text reading "definition"


  1. Select Word: The Reader picks a difficult word from the dictionary, spells it out loud, and writes the correct definition on a slip of paper.

  2. Submit Definitions: Other players write their guesses for the definition on slips and place them in the bowl.

  3. Read Aloud: The Reader reads all the definitions out loud.

  4. Guess Correctly: Each player guesses which definition is correct by marking their choice on their full sheet of paper.

  5. Score Points: Award points based on the rules below and select a new Reader.

  6. Repeat Rounds: Continue until a player reaches 21 points.


  1. Honesty Required: Players must admit if they don’t know the word.

  2. Points Distribution:

    • 1 Point: For having your definition chosen by another player.

    • 1 Point: For choosing the correct definition.

    • 3 Points: For writing the correct definition.

  3. Winning: The first player to accumulate 21 points wins.

Goal of the Game: Follow fun and quirky rules generated by dice rolls.

Players: 2-10

Synopsis: Double Trouble is a game of unpredictability and humor. Players create 36 unique rules and then use dice to determine which rule they must follow during their turn. This game is all about making the rules up as you go and having fun with the results!


  • Dice

  • Paper

  • Writing utensils

Set Up:

  1. Create a Rule Table: Draw a grid on a piece of paper with 6 columns and 6 rows, creating 36 boxes.

  2. Fill in Rules: Each player writes a unique rule for each box in the grid.

  3. Roll for Turn Order: Roll dice to determine the starting player (highest number goes first).

2 dice, a piece of paper, and a table drawn on top


  1. Roll Dice: The first player rolls two dice.

  2. Find the Rule: Use the numbers to find the corresponding rule in the grid (e.g., a roll of 2 and 5 means the rule in the box where column 2 meets row 5).

  3. Follow the Rule: The player must adhere to the rule for their turn.

  4. Continue Play: Rotate turns and continue following the rules based on dice rolls.


  1. Safety First: Ensure all rules are safe and agreed upon by everyone.

  2. Cross Off Rules: Mark off rules once they are used to avoid repetition


Feel free to mix and match these games based on your group’s preferences and the size of your gathering. Whether you’re playing for laughs or competition, these 9 games will make your Labor Day celebration a hit!


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