5 Games to Play at a Restaurant While Waiting for your Food
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5 Games to Play at a Restaurant While Waiting for your Food

Writer's picture: LowerShelf GamesLowerShelf Games

Updated: Aug 6, 2024

LowerShelf Games

August 31, 2022

Restaurant Scene

Is there anything better than a steaming slice of pizza, a freshly cooked steak, or even an Olive Garden endless salad?


But waiting for them can be difficult.

What if I told you there was a way to not only be able to get that delicious food, but also be entertained during the waiting process?


Easy Answer:


Skip the iPhone games because you spend enough time on that thing already. In this article we are going to give you 5 fun games you can play while waiting for your food.

Sure, if you have an endless source of resources, there are numerous games you can play, but in a typical restaurant setting that isn’t the case.

When you go to a restaurant to grab food you typically have some money/ change, maybe a drink or a couple cups, and of course, yourselves.

Using just those materials, we have collected 5 easy games to play while you wait patiently for your food.


Game 1: Penny Hockey

Title Image for Penny Hockey

This is a wonderful slow paced game, but packed with a lot of skill. If you have ever been to an arcade where you are trying to push pennies off a cliff, but they never seem to fall, this game is for you. Penny hockey is an awesome 2 player game fit for any rectangular table surface.

Goal of Game:

Be the first to score 7 goals!

2 players will compete against one another to try and score the most goals. Using 3 coins, the players will take turns attempting to rest the coin to an overhang position on the edge of a table. In order to move the coin (or puck) a coin must pass through the other 2 coins. Whoever scores 7 goals first wins!

What you Need:

  • 3 Coins (Pennies, Quarters, etc.)

  • A table surface

  • 2 Players


1. Flip one of the coins to determine who goes first.

2. Have Player 1 place the 3 coins touching one another in front of them

Penny Hockey: Showing a break

3. Player 1 will then use their finger to push the 3 coins forward (this is called a break)

4. Player 1 will then use their finger to push 1 of the coins through the other 2 coins

Penny Hockey: Showing a shot

5. Player 1 will have 5 separate attempts to try and land their last shot and have it land on the edge of the table (this would be a “goal” or a “score”)

Penny Hockey: Showing a score

6. If Player 1 scores or cannot successfully push a coin through 2 other coins or the coin falls off the table, Player 2 will begin their turn and have 5 chances to try and score

7. The 1st player to score 7 points will win the game!


1. If a coin hits another coin, it is ruled as a turnover, and the other player gets to go by taking their 5 shots

2. If the coin has fallen off the table or a goal is scored, the opposing player must start their turn on a break

3. If a coin does not fall off the table after a player takes their 5 shots, the opposing player must take their 5 shots as it lies

4. If a turnover is committed (a coin hits another coin), the opposing player can choose if they want to start on a break or if they want to play their 5 shots as it lies

5. A goal can only be scored if a portion of the coin is hanging off the edge of the table

6. If a player scores on a break it is worth 2 goals

Game 2: Fingers

Title Image for Fingers

This game is really for anybody sitting at a bar, a restaurant table, or even a waiting room. Fingers is one of the most accessible games on this list. Players will take turns trying to fool one another, when guessing how many fingers are still in play. Similar to how you used to guess how many jelly beans were in a glass jar.

Goal of Game:

Try to be the last person standing!

Players will be placing one of their fingers on a surface (can be a table, glass, bowl, etc.). One at a time, the players will go around and shout a number. The number is a guess to how many fingers will be left on the table once the number is shouted. Players can choose to pull their finger up or keep their finger on the table. When a player guesses incorrectly, they are eliminated and the game continues with the remaining players. Last person standing wins!

What you Need:

  • Just a playing surface (can be a table, glass, bowl, etc.)

  • 3-10 players (but can play with 2)


1. Have each player place a finger on the playing surface (or playing item, such as a cup, bowl, etc.)

2. Have the youngest player go 1st

3. On a count of the “3, 2, 1” the 1st player will shout a number (this is a guessing game to see if you can guess how many fingers will still be on the playing surface)

Fingers: Showing how to shout

4. All players, including the shouting player will decide if they want to pull their finger off the playing surface or keep it on

5. If the number of fingers on the playing surface matches the number shouted, that player will continue to remain in the game

Fingers: Showing how to lift or not lift fingers

6. If the number of fingers on the playing surface does not match the number shouted, that player will be eliminated from the round

Fingers: Showing how players get eliminated

7. The game continues until 1 person is left


1. When a player is eliminated, their finger is no longer used for the game

2. You can make the game last longer if you give each player 3 lives

3. You can also play the game, until 1 person reaches 3 total wins

4. Players can not use more than 1 finger

Title Image for Battle Quarters

Battle Quarters is a fun new twist on the well known game, Quarters. The general game play and pace is pretty similar, as you try and bounce a coin into a cup. But this game creates real competition and gets the adrenaline going with offensive and defensive plays.

Goal of Game:

Players compete and battle to get to 11 points!

Players will attempt to bounce a coin into a glass. When a player bounces the coin into the glass, they must pick a player to battle. During the battle, it is a sudden death shootout between the offensive and defensive player. Players can only receive points when they are on offense in a battle. When a player receives 11 points, they win the game!

What you Need:

  • 1 Coin (Penny, Quarter, etc.)

  • A table surface

  • A small cup or glass

  • 3-6 players is recommended (but can play with 2)


1. Place the glass in the middle of the table

2. Have the youngest player go 1st

3. Players will go around in a circle (clockwise) attempting to bounce the coin off the table into the cup

Battle Quarters: How to make a shot

4. If a player misses, their turn is over, and the next player will go

5. If Player 1 makes the coin into the glass (the offensive player), they get to pick a player "Player 2" (the defensive player) to “battle”

Battle Quarters: How to pick a battle

6. A “battle” is a sudden death shootout, meaning Player 2, who got picked, must make the coin into the glass

7. If Player 2 misses, Player 1 will receive 1 point, and the next clockwise player takes their turn

Battle Quarters: How a battle works

8. If Player 2 makes the coin into the glass, Player 1 must try and make the coin into the glass again

9. If Player 1 fails to make it in the glass after Player 2 has made it, Player 1 will receive 0 points

10. The battle continues until a player misses

11. The game is over when the a player hits 11 points


1. The 1st player to get to 11 points wins, there is no rebuttal opportunity for another player

Game 4: Association

Title Image for Association

Association is the only game on here that requires some thought. If you have been to a psychic, believe in your horoscope, or are Professor X, this game is for you. Work together as a team to try and get everyone to be on the same page!

Goal of Game:

Work as a team to say the same word!

A group of players will work together to try and read one another’s mind. On a count of the “3, 2, 1” two players will shout out a word they are thinking of. Now based on those 2 words, two more players will try again, hopefully picking words more closely related. The game continues until 2 players are able to guess the same word.

What you Need:

  • Yourselves!

  • 2-10 players


1. Have 2 players say “Got it”

Association: How to start a guess

2. On a count of the “3, 2, 1” those players will shout out a word (ie. “House” and “LeBron James”)

Association: How a guess works

3. If they do not match, then all of the players in the game will think about a word that relates to those 2 words just shouted

Association: How to start a new guess

4. Have 2 players say “Got it”

5. On a count of the “3, 2, 1” those players will shout out a new word (ie. “Basketball” and “Home Team”

6. The game continues until 2 players are able to guess the same word


1. For each round, players cannot use a word which has already been said

2. There are typically no points, but points can be added to the game if the players guess the word correctly

3. If you have more than 2 players, try and have a new set of 2 players go every time

Game 5: Hockey

Title Image for Hockey

This game is on this list due to its style of game play. This is the only game on the list which requires some physical energy, albeit, not much, but enough to get excited about. Hockey brings in offensive shots and individual goalies to test how good you are on your skates.

Goal of Game:

Players compete to score 11 points!

Players will be trying to collect points by scoring goals. In order to score goals, players must slap/flick a spinning coin into another player’s bottle. At the same time, players will be defending their bottles with their pinky and their pointer finger. If you get scored on you lose a point, and if you score, you earn a point. The 1st player to collect 11 points wins!

What you Need:

  • 1 Coin (Penny, Quarter, etc.)

  • A table surface

  • Some drinks/cups

  • 3-8 players (but can play with 2)


1. Each player should have a bottle/cup in front of them on the table

2. The youngest player will have the coin to start

3. The player with the coin, will spin the coin in the middle of the table to the best of their ability (ie. Player 1)

Hockey: How a shot get's started

4. Once the coin is spinning, Player 1 will name an individual in the game (ie. Player 2)

5. Player 2, who was named, will then use 1 hand to try and score on any other player in the circle

Hockey: How a shot get's taken

6. In order to score, Player 2, who was named, will attempt to hit or flick the spinning coin into the side of any player’s bottle or “goal”

7. If Player 2 misses the bottle, they do not receive a point

8. If Player 2 hit the bottle: the player who got scored on, loses a point, and the scorer receives 1 point (See Rules below to see how a defending player can play goalie)

Hockey: How to play goalie against a shot

9. Player 2, whose name was called and took the shot, will now be in charge of spinning the coin and calling out someone else’s name in the circle to shoot next

10. Once a player gets to 11 goals the game is over


1. Players can play goalie in the game to save a shot from hitting their bottle/goal

2. Goalies cannot be used until the coin is spinning (have hands by your side or placed on table)

3. In order to make a goalie, lay your hand on the side, tuck your middle and ring finger into your palm, and use your pinky and pointer finger to make saves in front of your bottle/goal

4. If there is any confusion or disagreement about a goal, have the rest of the players vote, also known as a “Video Replay”

5. No player can go below 0 points

Wrap Up

A restaurant does not just have to be a place just for small talk, waiting around, and some fine dining.

Make it fun next time you are out. We promise it makes the time go by quicker, and you’ll have a great time doing it!

People eating and talking at a table

If you have a coin or two; Penny Hockey, Battle Quarters, and Hockey are a few of many games to try out.

If you are looking for a little thought provoking gameplay, Association is a great way to know how good of friends you are with the people you are eating with!

And lastly, if your hands were feeling a little antsy, Fingers is a great way to show off how good at guessing you are.

As always, when you are playing these games, just make sure you are respectful to the people around you, and feel free to have them join in as well.

While all of these games are great, there are still so many more out there.

What games have you played in a restaurant? Comment below!


Have you ever made a game? If so share it below in the comments or on our site!

About LowerShelf Games

LowerShelf Games is a free game sharing website that provides a one stop shop for family/party game lovers. The site is a showcase for the numerous games that exist in this world. It provides a single platform for people to not only share games with common items they would find around their house, but also standardized instructions on how to play them.

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